How can we help you? Optimal Insights™ Frequently Asked Questions list is your guide.

Are there any customer prerequisites?

You will need the latest version of Reliance (2019). We can help you get there!

Do I need to have a BI tool for visualization in place?

No, you do not. The standard Optimal Insights™ solution is hosted, but you can also leverage your existing BI tools with our Optimal Data Access™ solution.

Does Optimal Insights™ require any additional infrastructure?

No additional infrastructure (IT hardware) is needed as Optimal Insights™ is hosted securely in the cloud.

Does Optimal Insights™ require a subscription?

Yes. Optimal Insights™ is a provided as an annual subscription to our software as a service (SaaS) based solution.

Do you offer support to users?

Yes. There are 3 levels of support: Silver, Gold and Platinum.

Will training be available?

Training is available based on subscription and support level. Custom training is also available.

I'm in! How do I get Optimal Insights™ so I can start using it right away?

Contact us at [email protected] to request a free no-obligation demo today!

How happy will I be after subscribing to Optimal Insights™?


What if my situation doesn't fit these requirements and approach?

Contact us at [email protected] and we will work with you to come up with a solution that does fit.